City Hall Council Chamber
604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, 77571

Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors to be held on August 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. 


Remote participation is available. Attend via a screen using the link.

Join by phone at 877-853-5257or 888-475-4499. The meeting ID is 875 5430 1744 and the passcode is 333606. 

(Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.)

Presentation on the Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP) by Marcela Barton from the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP). [Haley Bowers, Economic Development Manager]

Presentation, discussion, and possible action to elect a President and Vice-President for the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025. [Haley Bowers, Economic Development Manager]

Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve publishing a notice to begin the 60-day comment period for one (1) Capital Improvement Project (CIP) of the La Porte Development Corporation for fiscal year 2024-2025. This project is for design and construction of turf fields at Pecan Park Complex- in amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 over a multi-year period. [Haley Bowers, Economic Development Manager]


If, during the course of the meeting and discussion of any items covered by this notice, the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors determines that a Closed or Executive Session of the Board is required, then such closed meeting will be held as authorized by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Section 551.071 consultation with counsel on legal matters; Section 551.072 - deliberation regarding purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property; Section 551.073 - deliberation regarding a prospective gift; Section 551.087 - deliberation regarding economic development negotiation; Section 551.089 - deliberation regarding security devices or security audits, and/or other matters as authorized under the Texas Government Code. If a Closed or Executive Session is held in accordance with the Texas Government Code as set out above, the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors will reconvene in Open Session in order to take action, if necessary, on the items addressed during Executive Session.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the City Secretary's office (281-470-5019), three working days prior to the meeting for appropriate arrangements.

Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.127, on a regular, non-emergency basis, members may attend and participate in the meeting remotely by video conference. Should that occur, a quorum of the members will be physically present at the location noted above on this agenda.


I, Lee Woodward, City Secretary, do hereby certify that a copy of the August 26, 2024, La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the City's website,, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.